Larry Uteck 902-835-8203 ••• St.Margaret's Bay 902-826-2697

Meet My Meditation Teacher

Posted by Shannon Chappelle on

Did you know….stress is not who you are? Anxiety, anger, overwhelm, lack of vitality is only our reactions to life.

So who are you when the stress is gone? Do you remember what she feels like? How does she operate? Do you remember who she is? Think back to when you felt the most alive in your life..

And what are you doing daily to access that joy?

Many tools will navigate us back to our real self. The place where we feel soul-centered, at peace, happy, loving and a full-on zest for life. Yes, that place does exist! It is with you at this very moment. You just need to uncover it.

One tool I would like to share with you that has been a source of connecting me to my most authentic self is Transcendental Meditation. It has been a game-changer for my life. The benefits physically, mentally and spiritually are profound.

Please join me Monday morning, March 26th for a Facebook Live chat with my Meditation Teacher and Transcendental Meditation Expert Helen Creighton. Helen and I will be discussing our experiences, how TM meditation works, what the benefits for the brain are, your body, your stress levels and so much more!

Don't miss this live facebook interview! See you Monday!

Much love,



Helen Creighton has been a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation technique since 1972. She has a BA in Philosophy from the Maharishi University of Management and an MLS from the University of Western Ontario.

She worked for many years in government and academic libraries, but for the last decade been teaching the TM technique to women, including health professionals, business executives, teachers, and students. She is also National Director of the Canadian Women's Wellness Initiative. Incorporated February 1,  2017, CWWI offers the TM technique to women whose jobs and lives are at risk due to debilitating or traumatic stress, such as police, firefighters, paramedics, nurses, and teachers.


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